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Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.  Proverbs 22:6


Growing a relationship with God begins at baptism. At St. John's we offer opportunities to people of all ages to grow in Christ. We invite you to grow with us.

Sunday School

Jesus said in Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” At St. John’s Lutheran Church, we believe it is important for children to know that they are an essential part of God’s kingdom and that they play a powerful role in His church.


Children ages 3 to 6th grade are invited to come to Sunday School from 10:15 AM to 11:30 AM (during the school year). We offer three classroom settings (3 years to Kindergarten, 1st – 3rd grade, and 4th – 6th grade) to best meet the needs of our growing kids. 

Vacation Bible School


Grab your binoculars and don your life vest! We are off on a cruise through the jungle stopping at seven ports of history: creation, corruption, catastrophe, confusion, Christ, cross and consummation. Our journey begins July 22 - 26 from 9:00 am to 11:30am each morning. See you there!


Open to kids 4 years old to entering 6th grade in Fall 2024.


Register by June 15 to receive a VBS themed T-shirt. 

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Active Christian Teens (ACT)

ACT allows teens an environment that fosters friendships while sharing Christ, serving Christ, and growing in Christ's love through Word and Deed. The program is Bible centered, provides fellowship with other youth (in other words, we have fun together), and provides opportunities for our youth to be the hands and feet of Jesus.


ACT is open to teens in 7th - 12th grade and meet weekly at 5:00 pm  - 7:00 pm.


Confirmation meets after school (September - April) on Wednesdays for students in 7th and 8th grade from 3:30 - 5:00 PM who desire to become confirmed members of St. John's Lutheran Church.


Our Confirmation program is a process that helps students grow in their relationship with Jesus. Students explore Luther's Small Catechism and grow together in Christ. At the end of two instructional years, students are eligible to become a communicant member of St. John's Lutheran Church.



Adult Bible Study

Growing our faith doesn't ever need to stop. Adult Bible study groups focus on topics to better understand God's Word, apply it to our lives, and grow a stronger relationship with Jesus.


Women's Bible Study: Tuesdays at 1:30 PM (Sep - Apr) 

Men's Bible Study: Wednesdays at 8:00 AM (Sep - May) 

Adult Bible Study (mixed): Sundays at 10:15 AM (Sep - May) 



Lutheran Island Camp

"Nourishing the whole person for a joyful, Christ-centered life and service", is Lutheran Island Camp's mission.


Located near Henning, MN, Lutheran Island Camp is a ministry of the Minnesota North District of The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod. It offers a variety of camps for all ages. St. John's supports kids (SJLC members) who wish to go by paying for half of the cost.


For more information on this camp visit their website at


grow with us


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